Thursday, October 07, 2004


FYI: I will not be posting until October 10. See you then!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

. . .

I continue to hammer out my rewrite. I decided to add a whole new eight-page scene at the beginning of the novel to give more insight into the main character. This will be the new chapter one, and I have written it from an inconsequential character's point of view to give the outsider's take on the main character (Jake). (I think I will have this character cross paths with Jake at the end to show the change in Jake's character.

So tonight, I finish making changes, print the thing out, and make more changes. I may have to touch it up even more tomorrow night before I send it to the other members of my workshop.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Novel and Advocacy

I figured I would briefly check in with everyone. The revision of part of my novel for my next workshop is coming down to the wire. However, things are going well and I plan on finishing it tonight and then revising it (revising the revision) over the next couple days.

Also, I have started a new advocacy blog. Check it out at

Monday, October 04, 2004

Broke the Thousand Mark

I continued to rewrite the first 20 pages of my novel tonight. In doing so, I added about 1,100 more words! Things are really flowing now, which is good because I have a hard couple days ahead of me.

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