My Fascination With Chess
Since I was very young, I have been fascinated with chess. This is not to say that I have mastered the game, know all the offenses and defenses, or even read books on it. My fascination has to do more with the fact that I always have this underlying yearning to play the game, to know the game, to rule the game. However, I never take the initiative toeducate myself or even play too often. In fact, I am a pretty bad chess player. I have no patience to think three or four moves ahead, as one is supposed to do. I have started to play correspondence chess with a friend in North Carolina. We have given ourselves a one-week time limit per move. Only this way can I hope to succeed at chess.
I guess I mention all this because I think my impatience with chess carries over into my writing (and perhaps in other facets of my life). I rarely have the patience to sit down and revise. I really have to work at it. I have unbelievable revelations in my head during the day. I have taken to writing these down and thank God because when I sit down at my keyboard thoughts I have had tend to fall out of my head and get lost. I think with my writing I do think 3 or 4 moves ahead, however. I definitely have a master plan. It is just the execution that I have to fine tune. I need to be able to sit there and think over my next move before I make it.
Chess is a great game. My father taught me how to play when I was about 10 years old. He used to win me all of the time. Now I'm the won beating him. It's simply wonderful.
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